September : 21

Daily Log for September, 21 of each year.



  • 9:00am - Looks like the feds took the whole market down a bit! Exciting to see how it will play out for the remaining week and even the rest of the year.
  • 11:15am - Meeting before lunch, I think I am going to also take tomorrow off because I am tired and want to focus on Appwrite! I also have to create a whole new document for October, which I will bang out tomorrow mid-day as well.
  • 3:16pm - Okay the general settings page looks good! I am going to push that out and see where I can go from there. Damn this is such a first world problem, I can not screen share at higher 4K, without it looking super buggy.


Friendship improves happiness and abates misery, by the doubling of our joy and the dividing of our grief. — Cicero


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